

No it's not flooding, but it's one the verge of flooding. When it rain's it pours here in seattle. for sure. it has been raining really hard all week. i love rain. i just don't like driving in it. anywho time for the 30 day challenge again. can't wait for tonight! i get to go eat mongo with one of my best girls.

Day 12: A Picture of Something You Love
Dancing. Music. Ipod.

 there really is nothing i love more than a good song. a song you can dance to or sing to. no matter if you are alone or with a bunch of friends dancing. i love it. i used to dance when i was younger. ballet, tap, jazz, everything and anything. i ended up letting it go but i still love to shake it. there is something liberating about just moving to the beat and making up your own moves. doing something in that place that no one has ever done before that moment. just somethin to think about.

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