
family is forever.

after a little bit of a dispute last night with my sister kate. i sat back and thought about how we got to that point. as my close friends know, kate and i have a tendency not to get a long. because well we just don't. for some reason we just always argue, yell, jump each other. we act like brothers when we get near each other. and last night it got pretty ugly. i felt bad because i am near 20, and kate is only 12. i get tired of hearing from my parents that i need to be more mature and everything, but in all honesty...i do. I need to be the example to kate and my other sisters. while i was falling asleep i just felt sick thinking about what had happened the night before. i came to the conclusion of why i haven't gotten along with kate. because she is so much like...ME. i see so much of myself that i think i get frustrated and she isn't afraid to stand up to me. she is a lot like me it freaks me out a little bit. but once i realized it i kinda like it. i like knowing that we have similar personalities. i just hope she doesn't repeat some of my mistakes. kate is turning into a beautiful girl and she has the boys falling all over themselves when she walks by. and being a new year, as cheesy as it is i feel like i should add something to my list. honestly trying to get to know kate, and trying to be her friend. meg my younger sister (17) is one of my best friends. my confidant. i love to have her around. and there are times when kate does the same. i just need to remember that all the time. so here is my public post saying that i am going to try to get a long better with kate and hope that brings down the level of stress! wish me luck ;)

 see we can get along on occasion! i just want to fix it so it is all the time! well most of the time.
 "for there is no friend like a sister, in calm or stormy weather, to cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands." 
                                                          -Christina G. Rossetti

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